Ines Marbach

Ines Marbach

Sustainability Transformation Conference

What an honor and great pleasure to guide the participants and panelists from all around the globe through the program of yesterday’s „SUSTAINABILITY TRANSFORMATION CONFERENCE 2021“.

So many ideas of how the chemical sector can become mor sustainable in production, use and management. It was also great to see that people all over the world joined us and participated actively.
What a day.

Thanks for having me Umweltbundesamt!

#sustainability #transformation #onlineconference #thanksforhavingme #umweltbundesamt #moderation #nextjob #host #presenter #moderatorin #umweltwissenschaftlerin #fachmoderatorinfürnachhaltigkeit #inesmarbach #sustainable

Ines Marbach

Ines Marbach

Moderatorin für TV, Messe & Events