It was an honour for me to moderate this conference about the expansion of the offshore wind energy. The discussions with members of the Bundestag and transmission system operators from Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany made one thing clear: we can can just master the energy transition together. Shared problem, shared solutions!
Or as the CEO of @tennettso Manon van Beek said : It doesn’t make sense to go back into our national shells, like turtles. If we want to move forward we have to come out of our national shells, trust each other, connect and work together on a common goal.
#conference #moderation #tennet #netzbetreiber #offshorewindenergy #transmission #energysector #commongoal #esbjergdeclaration2022 #🇩🇰 #🇧🇪 #🇳🇱 #🇩🇪 #workingtogether #buildinghubs #moderatorin #fachmoderatorinfürnachhaltigkeit #inesmarbach